Tulare Public Library
& City Council Chambers

Sq. Ft.
Year Completed
Construction Partner:
Zumwalt Construction
The Tulare Public Library and Council Chambers were envisioned from the outset as an opportunity to create a new sense of pride in a farming community that is emerging as a growth center in California’s Central Valley. By combining the Council Chambers and Library in one facility that features a wide range of amenities, the new facility has become the cultural and civic heart of the community.

LEED Silver Certification
The form, massing, and materials were derived from Tulare’s prominence in agriculture. The design expresses agricultural imagery, while celebrating the civic role of the library within the community. Exposed concrete masonry was used because of its economy, attractiveness, and durability, while demonstrating the use of a regional material with high recycled content. Large windows admit natural light and impart a sense of transparency. The roof form and material intimate the raw metal roofing found on dairy barns and silos in the area.

Today, the library continues to support the personal, educational, and professional needs of its diverse community. The Tulare City Council and many other Commissions and Boards hold meetings in the chambers within the library, embedding the Library and Council Chambers in the core of Tulare.